Libby Holman was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, just after 1900, the daughter of
a middle-class Jewish couple. She aspired to become an actress and singer, heading
for New York in the 1920's. There she paid her dues, working small job and remaining
undiscovered for several years. She visited Harlem frequently, a center for
booze, drugs, promiscuous sex, and the Black singing style represented by such
singers as Bessie Smith. In a 1923 Broadway show, Libby played a prostitute
and adopted the Black singing style for her sultry song "Moanin' Low."
Her performances coalesced with her dark-haired good looks to produce an overnight
sensation. She was the toast of Broadway. She became such an icon that the the
New York columnist Walter Winchell referred to her in print as the "Statue
of Libby."
Libby continued to pursue a libertine lifestyle on both sides of the Atlantic
for the next several years, starring successfully in more musicals, and having
sexual affairs with a variety of men and women. A groupie of the New York "fast"
show crowd during much of this time was Smith Reynolds, a less-then-average
attractive playboy, the heir to the Reynolds tobacco fortune. Smith was completely
smitten with Libby, who at first paid him but little attention. Gradually his
extravagant schemes for winning her affection worked, and they were secretly
married in 1931. Several months later, Libby was taken to Winston-Salem, North
Carolina, to be introduced as his wife to family and friends. They took up residence
at Reynolda House there.
Libby was alternately bored and outrageous for the next few months. Elite Southern
society was scandalized by rumors of an affair between Libby and Ab Walker,
Smith's boyhood friend and personal secretary. Libby frequently entertained
friends from New York, often for several days of round-the-clock partying. Smith
went along with Libby's lifestyle, although public bickering with Libby became
more frequent. A moody, spoiled young man, Smith was of a rather passive nature,
often drank heavily, played with guns, and had a history of attempted suicide.
The week-end of July 4, 1932, after a night of revelry and with a house full
of guests, Smith was shot in the couple's bedroom shortly after midnight. Presumably
only Smith and Libby were in the room. Others in the house heard the shot and
thus established its time.. Forty-five minutes elapsed before Ab Walker called
for official assistance. Libby collapsed and was taken to the hospital. Smith
died a few hours later.
In the weeks that followed, the press went wild. Reporters by the droves were
sent to the scene. Meanwhile, the case against Libby began to build. Although
Libby claimed to remember nothing, she was being cornered by physical evidence
that showed that the angle at which the bullet penetrated Smith's head was such
that it could not have been self-inflicted. Libby's parents flew in and tried
to shield her from media scrutiny. At some point the news emerged that while
Libby was in the hospital just after the shooting, she underwent a physical
examination that revealed that she was pregnant.
A few days later Will Reynolds, a lawyer and senior member of the clan, wrote
to the prosecutor. The carefully worded letter suggested that the case against
Libby might not be strong enough and that if official deliberation resulted
in dropping the case, the Reynolds family would have no objections. Libby was
never brought to trial. Privately she continued to proclaim her innocence. She
had her baby, Christopher Reynolds, and the Reynolds family was generous in
setting up means with which to raise the child. Libby too was provided for amply.
She knew how to handle money, for her wealth grew over the years. Libby adored
her son, and one of the great tragedies of her life was his premature death
as a young man in a skiing accident.
In time Libby attempted a return to the stage, first as a dramatic actress,
and field in which she had ambition, and later in musicals and cabaret appearances.
The Smith Reynolds alleged murder case was so well-known and its resolution
so controversial that Libby's professional efforts were thwarted. At best she
was regarded as a curiosity, and at worst epithets of "murderess"
were shouted from the audience during performances.
Libby married twice more, both times to weak or bi-sexual men who failed to
make her happy. She formed a close relationship with the young homosexual actor
Montgomery Cliff. When he, too, died prematurely, it further depressed Libby.
She continued to perform in small ways: a few recordings in the 1950's, a foray
to Hollywood, a run with a one-woman cabaret show in New York and Paris. She
was a Civil Rights activist in the 1950's.
In 1973 she was found asphyxiated in the garage of her estate, Treetops. The
official report called her death a suicide and it was reported as such in the
New York Times. There are those who have doubted this assessment, inasmuch as
Libby had demonstrated that she was a survivor through the decades, and she
was busy planning a new cabaret show at the time of her death.
Stewart Gordon's one-woman cabaret show opens with Libby being introduced as
the star attraction of Manhattan's (Libby actually did perform in this club
in 1936 as part of her attempt to regain her earlier stardom.) As she sings
her first song, she breaks down.
Then she addresses the audience in song telling them that her heart is full
and that she must confide in them. Then in monologue and song she recalls her
earlier successes as a Broadway star, the love and courtship of Smith, the difficulties
of adapting to Southern life. In a dramatic pivotal number she reenacts the
events of the night Smith is killed. There follows projected newspaper accounts
of the incident, dovetailed with portions of the prosecutor's questioning of
Libby. We hear a reading of the letter that led to her release, her decision
to return to Broadway and rebuild her career, the difficulties she encountered,
a finally a catharsis and triumph in which she believes.
The show lasts just one hour. Libby is the only singer. Supplemental sound and
visual effects appear at various points. The scoring is for two synthesizers
and piano.
List of Songs
"Love Me a Little Bit" (partial song)
"Friends, in This Cabaret"
"Steppin' Out In Style"
"Take a Man"
"Rich Boy"
"Libby Dear"
"What Strange Mood Is This
Three sung responses to the prosecutor
"After the Storm"
"The New York Scene"
"They Lunch With Me"
"Love Me a Little Bit" (full song)
"Time Sifts Through Fingers"
"Friends in This Cabaret"
Libby was prouduced with Kelly Ellenwood in the title role; Stewart Gordon, piano, Dennis Thurmond and Eun Chung Lee, synthesizers; costumes by Jonathan Christopher Reynolds III; visuals by Timothy Parseca; Vocal coaching by Peter Bugel. The show played at the Savannah Music Festival; Hollywood's Cinegrill; and the Prince William Music Festival in Kauai.
For information about Libby and/or production materials, contact